
Started this on the 4th of Jan 2012 by day 3 I was violently sick with a migraine (please see post day from hell), so far not so good with this I am sure the rads gave me these sypmtoms and am now afraid to go back for the rest of my rads but will have to bite the bullet and be strong.  The actual treatment does not hurt at all only holding my surgery side arm in the position behind my head hurts, will keep posting about any further developments.

So after the above blip everything went well with the rest of the rads and I'm glad to anounce that I have now finished them. Here's a few tips to help.

1. Creams
Keep applying your cream of choice everyday (keep this up even after you have finished) I used 99.9% aloe vera gel from Holland and Barratt and kept it either in a cool cupboard or in the fridge due to the fact that I get massive hot flushes as well found keeping it in the fridge made it ultra cold and thus the effect was cooling as it was healing. If you have an aloe plant cut the leaves off one by one and slit them down the middle then open like a book and place on the affected area.

2. Exercise
Before going into the hospital for your session make sure you have warmed yourself up by way of exercising especially stretching exercises these really helped especially if you have had your lymph nodes out and the skin is tight around the affected shoulder area.